miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

#19 The Last Anniversary by Lianne Moriarty

I remembered enjoying Lianne Moriarty's book last year, What Alice Remembered so in an effort to regain reading stamina I looked for more of her books in the library. 

I LOVED this book. She has such a unique talent of understanding 8+ characters at a time, of making you really get to know each and every one of them, of loving them all.

What I liked best was her description of PPD- Postpartum depression. She doesn't give it a name for a few chapters, but you can definitely tell that the character is going through it. It's so subtle at first, but so blatant at the same time. She goes into the husband's mind, feeling useless and so confused... into the wife's mind- feeling so utterly worthless and truly a burden. It's really magnificent how she weaves those into the actual plot.

It's also quite a shocking story at points, without being abrasive. It's funny without being a comedy. It's a tragedy without being depressing. It's a mystery without being confusing. It's Romantic without being a Romance... This is the kind of story I'd like to write someday.

My only annoyance with this book is that although I found Moriarty last year, she's popular now because of the HBO show made from her book, Big Little Lies and so now all her books are expensive and "in" and you  know how much I don't like doing things "in fashion." haha!

Tota: 5541 (?)

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